CustomGrid v1.2

I am releasing the v1.2 of CGrid. It’s been in drafts for a long while now.This time, a few more basic niceties have been added to the CGrid. πŸ™‚

  1. Export to Excel (Copy selected rows or entire grid to clipboard and paste in excel)
  2. User can select columns to view and width of the columns etc. This setting for each grid in the application is remembered across sessions.(For this to work properly, you will have to ensure that you always specify a distinct ID for for each grid in your application.) This feature is very useful, if you are fetching a lot of columns to display but are not sure whether all the users would be interested in all the columns. Now, the user can choose to see columns of his/her choice and that choice is remembered across sessions.
  3. Fixed the sorting logic in the column sort.
  4. The CGrid can now take in custom itemRenderer from the caller.

Check it out… πŸ™‚ For more details about what CGrid is all about, check out this post.

It’s been a long time since I updated the grid component. Hey, for that matter… It’s been a log while since I last posted here. πŸ™‚ Been quiet a bit busy lately. Anyway, am almost back. This month is also going to be a bit hectic. But, I hope to post regularly from September onwards.

Note: Thanks to all who downloaded CGrid v1.0 and used them in their projects. It really feels nice to see that the component has served some good purpose. The CGrid component is individually responsible for keeping my blog alive andΒ  bringing in readers even though I haven’t posted anything new for the last couple of months. So, this component is kind of the ‘old man’ of this blog. Anyway, Lemme thank all visitors for checking it out. Keep downloading. Keep leaving comments πŸ™‚ ….

[ Demo | Source | Sample Printout ]